Living life without distraction

My life today doesn’t have to have a pretty blond or some little latina.I just want to be happy and I can’t be happy trying to understand some persons teamwork or I can’t let this slip through my hands because im not smart enough to figure out how things work or do not work.I actually understand things don’t work without people doing the actual work that needs to be done.I want to be somewhere and that is somewhere I will never be.But I can’t giveup on what I know about certain situations and some things will not ever work.That is easy to see.People play games when they should be honest about things.Instead of playing with things that exposes your good or it can make people see the bad things about you.I have to make up my mind im going to do something about the problems I face and not sit back and let it happen.

About ckm1102

Im 32 I moved here interested in the manhattan project.People like me are dying.
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